Email: kevinjiangedu at gmail dot com
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Hi! I'm a second-year MS student at UC San Diego, fortunately collaborating with Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi. Previously, I received my bachelor's degree from Beijing Jiaotong University, and gratefully worked with Prof. Lin Gao, Prof. Hongbo Fu, Prof. Yu-Kun Lai, and Shu-Yu Chen. Besides, I spent a wonderful summer with Prof. Toby Jia-Jun Li from University of Notre Dame through the iSURE program. I also spent a fruitful summer at NVIDIA, working with Shalini De Mello, Koki Nagano and Xueting Li.
I am a student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California San Diego, where I work with Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi. My current research interests lie at the intersection of computer graphics and virtual reality. I obtained the SenseTime Scholarship in 2022.
My first name in Chinese is pronounced very similar to Kevin in English, which is, therefore, my English name. In spare time, I am a huge fan of Cyber Literature (over ten years of experience), and I occasionally play Screeps for fun (you can find my AI here!).
Template adapted from Mukund Varma T
Last Updated: Mar 3rd, 2025